

Vår sommarstuga ligger i Bäckegren ca 2 kilometer från Segersjön och i Sundsvalls kommun.

Redan i slutet av 1700-talet dyker de första bosättningarna upp i Bäckegren (det första nybygget är registrerat av Anders Svensson från Sättna den 15 april 1778). De som bodde i Bäckegrens by på den tiden jobbade som kolare eller var torpare.

Längre ner på sidan följer en engelsk sammanfattning om Bäckegrens by som Ylva har skrivit i samband med en universitetspedagogisk kurs.

Här finns en sammanfattning av vårt hus historia: Bäckegren Oxsta 4.2


Bäckegren sommaren 2015

Oxsta 4:10 in the village of Bäckegren
Our summerhouse (Oxsta 4:10) is situated in the village of Bäckegren, 210 metres above the Baltic sea and 20 kilometres from the central parts of Sundsvall [1]. It belongs to the outfield of Selånger parish in the county of Västernorrland and the estate has a direct border to outfield of the village of Bäckegren (Sättna parish) and the villages of Huljen, Kvarsätt and Oxta (Selånger parish) [1]. The present main building at Oxta 4:10 was established during the year 1904-1905 and is a 75 m2 one and a half floor building build in timber from the nearby pine forest [1,2]. The real estate includes 6 Ha grassland, 20 Ha forest and some Ha waste land and contains a cottage, a stable and some additional out-buildings [1]. Until the 1940s the village of Bäckegren contained five farms and two mountain grazing farms, but since 1947 only three of these remains [1-3]. The reason to the depopulation is that the law that obeyed the farmer to wield their farming land was abrogated in 1942-1943 [2, 4]. Since a majority of the farmers was tenants, this change made it possible for the landowner Skönviksbolaget (today known as Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget, SCA), to fire their landholders in the village of Bäckegren and plant forest on their fields [2, 4]. This company had in 1924 purchased the majority of the land (i.e. Bäckegren 1:5) at the legal redistribution of the Bäckegren village in Sättna [5] and in 1955 also the estates Bäckegren 1:12 and 1:13 was purchased [2, 6]. Thus, the only house that remains today is situated on Oxsta 4:10, Kvarsätt 1:14 and Bäckegren 1:10.







[1] www.lantmateriet.se/Fastigheter/Min-fastighet/
[2] Personal communication with Harry Eriksson f 1925-09-30, born in Bäckegren.
[3] Historiska kartor Lantmäteriet
[4] Personal communication Harry Eriksson och Mona Carlsson
[5] Lantmäteriet Laga Skiftet, 1921-1943, Bäckegren, Sättna akt nr 272
[6] Lantmäteriet, ÖLM alfabetiskt register: Bäckegren no 1, akt nr 384 4/6 1938








Senast uppdaterat: 2022-08-12